Author Topic: Dirt tires  (Read 33755 times)


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Dirt tires
« on: October 31, 2010, 08:57:04 am »
Does anyone know what the for sure dirt tire for next year will be.
Thanks Vince

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Re: Dirt tires
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2010, 09:22:25 am »
Federal run backwards, but no official announcement has been made if there is going to be 2 lines grooved down the center to give it some sideways least thats what the consesnus was at the Nationals
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Offline Vern Houseman

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Re: Dirt tires
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2010, 09:32:56 am »
can we still run BFs next year ?
Vernon Houseman #20


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Re: Dirt tires
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2010, 09:48:33 am »
see thats what i`m worred about. I want to have 2 setups 1 for dirt and one for pavment.

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Re: Dirt tires
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2010, 10:16:53 am »
can we still run BFs next year ?

From what I've heard/been told, no BFG's next year at all, but I'm not throwing mine out just yet, you never know when they will change it up and let you run them one more year
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Re: Dirt tires
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2010, 10:18:24 am »
see thats what i`m worred about. I want to have 2 setups 1 for dirt and one for pavment.

Have you heard about that new Dirt/Asphalt series in Wisconsin too? Sounds fun. Never been on asphalt, but might try it if it is more than a rumor
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Offline jmker60

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Re: Dirt tires
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2010, 10:26:07 am »
Based upon what Vern and I had heard at Nationals there was aproblem with the Federals holding air pressure when mounted on the bead lock wheel. Does anyone know who ran Federals at the the Nationals and where they started and finished?  Also if and type of cut or groove they may have had cut into the tire?

During a conversation with Darrel, he stated that 600 realizes that the Federal isn't working out all that well on dirt but for a multitude of reasons, one being source  with reliable adequate supply at a resonable cost, 600 has to make the Federal work on dirt. He said it is the tire for all Legends cars and venues. They also know that there are still a bunch of BF's remaining, both new and good used raceable tires that would cause an uprising if  their use was no longer allowed on dirt. I personally believe 600 is going to defer any decision for dirt until the issue kind of resolves itself and only Federals will be around.

Darrel also was very positive and supportive of the new dirt car and said that everyone who races dirt will love it and hopefully go that way. The question was asked about using the American Racer tires on the Legend for dirt and he was called a way to address one of the many issues with the nationals. So the question was not answered.

Whatevr the case 600 knows there is an issue and will hopefully provide more info as to what is going to happen with tires. They'll probably make it known at the banquet.

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Re: Dirt tires
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2010, 10:44:56 am »
"Darrel also was very positive and supportive of the new dirt car and said that everyone who races dirt will love it and hopefully go that way. ."

Of course Darrell has to say that, it'd be like the Hostess man saying "Twinkies suck!" if he didn't.
Look at the specs on that thing,  I bet its going to be a $20,000+ car with its quick change rear end and all.
Yep, INEXpensive
Flash in the pan I would bet.
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Offline JGRacing

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Re: Dirt tires
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2010, 01:11:58 pm »
Beadlocks leaked a little air when I had a modified and street stock with Hoosier dirt tires also, so unless it is dropping allot of air quickly, I would not be too worried.  I usually put silicon on the inside edge of the tire and with the beadlock bolted down it held pretty well.  I was actually surprised when I mounted the BFG on the beadlock and it did not loose air, even after weeks of sitting there.  The Hoosier modified tires would even bleed air through the thin sidewalls. 


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Re: Dirt tires
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2010, 03:00:58 pm »
 Weighing this out... USLC can't give Legends a decent dirt tire and are pushing the new chassis for us dirt guys to switch over to, padding Ray's pocket ? I've seen vid of testing the new chassis at  Ray's track.  Kind of funny actually as to how the ole boy was hanging it all out sideways when in reality if you know anything about dirt racing, the guy was over his head and out of control not knowing what he was doing.  W-A-Y missed chassis set-up for a car not having a wing.  I'll bet he pulled into the pits yelling "Woo-Hoo.. that was awsome" haha only because he kept it off the fence.
 The price tag on this new dirt car is $20K, for a wingless sprint ?? No way ! Wanda has me looking for a used 360 sprint. Also exercising thoughts of grabbing another Mini Sprint to run a liquid cooled engine. I still have the last engine I built for my Mini before I sold the chassis.
 There are cheaper forms of racing out there and since USLC can't get a decent tire on the existing cars, they will suck hind tit in the future because I think the new dirt chassis will be a flop in this economy... I told Darrell my thoughts on the topic last time I talked to him and he inquired if we would make it to the nationals. That is when he informed me of the 2 groove experiment on the Feds

- Gimpster -

Offline 89tgreen

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Re: Dirt tires
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2010, 05:27:12 pm »
I use to run tubes on the dirt in my mod. Lots of baby powder and I never had a leak. Well I did come out the next day to a flat tire but finished the race.


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Re: Dirt tires
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2010, 05:35:43 pm »
If they go to All federals i can tell you it will kill the dirt.. They should just give the option and let people choice.. Got guys running 3 year old dirt tires and just as fast as new tires.... If you take care of tires BFG's last long time.... I personally will not rush out to buy federals for dirt and will not buy that ugly car that Ray built.. He is friends with ToBias and those Speedsters are they sameway ugly and crappy... This is why divisions die out is becuase people get something going good and change to make money. But more people get out then in.. Maybe one day somebody smart will realize it or they never will....
Paul McCollum


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Re: Dirt tires
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2010, 09:55:58 pm »
 If they wanted a chassis for dirt, they should have backed Hank Scott and took on his late models. Same price as Ray's chassis but something fans like to watch.

----- Gimpster -----

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Re: Dirt tires
« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2010, 10:16:53 am »
Back to the title of the thread...
Look at the pictures of Rays ugly the press conference...Its got American Racers on it, and Ray brags that the tires will last for years.
Why can't we have those? There has to be a deal in the works if not already set since they're selling the car already
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Offline jmker60

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Re: Dirt tires
« Reply #14 on: November 01, 2010, 11:15:38 am »
Darrel was asked the question about using American Racer supplied tires but was called away to handle issues involved with the dirt nationals before he could give an answer. He did not appear to be attempting to evade answering, he just had more immediate pressing issues and problems to address at the moment.

If you go to the American Racer tire website they do have "street" performance tires for racing that would very nicely fill our needs! I couldn't find any pricing other than reference to finding a local dealer.  Regardless of what other very viable alternatives there may be out on the open market, I don't believe that 600 is willing to give up their "sole supplier" position and its captured market However I think the selection goes beyond cost and has somewhat to do with the overall design of the Legends car and manufacturer liability. That's an entirely different topic for another thread!
I believe that 600 was trying to minimize or at least maintain their current operating costs while attempting to find an "in kind" replacement for the BF. Apparently only Federal comes closest to whatever 600 determined the criteria to be (cost being one of several) when looking for a replacement for the BF. The Thunder Roadster has Hoosiers and the Legends still ran BF's and now Federals so I don't think we'll see American Racers either.

Bottom line is; Federal is the tire in our future like it or not. 600 is determined to make it work in any venue, whatever that may take to accomplish. Once the BF's are gone then we'll have no other tire option, but there are quite a few BF's still out there from new through good used condition and it will be sometime before our option runs out.  Unless 600 places some final date for allowing the BF's.

