Author Topic: Fuel  (Read 10674 times)


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« on: October 25, 2008, 06:30:49 pm »
I have heard that INEX is talking about a class fuel .

I feel that if this is the case the fuel should be alcohol, every one will need to rejet there carbs which is not that hard to do.

The first benifit from alcohol is cost, its way cheeper than any other race gas.

Alcohol runs much cooler than petrolium based fuels ,this would be great for cars that seem to be always on the verge of

over heating.

Alcohol burns much cleaner than gas you can run it very rich without fouling the combustion chamber, a dirty top end will evetualy cause an

expensive boom folowed quikly by some colorful language .

I truely beleive that fewer rebuilds would be nessisary .

even if you foul your oil because your way rich you can let the alcohol evapperate off the oil and keep the oil

don't try this with gas. ( CAN YOU SAY BOOM)

Alcohol when spilled on a track needs no special  clean up it will evaporate in no time and is no more slipery than water

you can't say that about gas and some race fuels seem to me to be more slipery than normal pump gas.

When you spill alcohol in the pits water makes it compleatly safe .

Alcohol is clear and most go fast additives are not a visual inspection will show most additives , and testing  for spacific gavity is easy

An alcohol fire can be put out with water or any fire other fire surpresion system ,

as a former volenteer firefighter I would rather put out an alcohol fire over gas anyday it is true that pure alcohol burns invisable  but it turns

into a yellow flame as soon as you burn it beside somthing else like a hood a person pretty much anything . and when it is diluted with water it will

not  burn again. Ive seen a gas fire pop to life everytime the extinguisher is moved to a diferent part of the fire or as soon as the  extinguisher

runs out.

Finaly the exhaust is much cleaner ,no one should breath the crap that comes from burning gas , we all know how thick the air can be on a race track

and it can't be healthy for us . GAS = toxic  Alcohol= nontoxic ,your kids want you around in your old age.

This is my case for alcohol as a class fuel.


Offline VMS Motorsports

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Re: Fuel
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2008, 07:36:03 am »
Well...sounds like a Methanol Salesman!! Unfortunately for you,if they do go to a class fuel I would bet it would be a VP product, since they are a heavy supplier to alot of the tracks that run Legends, and have dumped some $$ into the Legends coffers. Send your post to Ken Ragan (
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Offline justfreaky

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Re: Fuel
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2008, 02:06:02 pm »

One of the drawbacks of methanol as a fuel is its corrosivity to some metals, including aluminium. Methanol, although a weak acid, attacks the oxide coating that normally protects the aluminium from corrosion. It also eats away at the rubber pieces of the fuel system.

Besides jets, you will need to change metering rods, spark plugs, and a few other odds and ends to make it all work. Tune up should be easier. Too rich will foul the oil, Too lean could cost you an engine. You'll use about twice as much alky as gasoline.

I'm not saying it's a bad idea, especially from the fire stand point. On a medical note; A burn is still a burn, regardless of the type of fuel. I think that Jim is right about sending your thoughts to Ken Ragan.  We don't make the rules. That is up to INEX.

I know that Alky vs Gas will always bring up another "Big Debate". Our purpose here on Legends Racer is to help fellow racers do the best they can with the rules we are given. Please, lets not make this a political issue! It is a very interesting topic though.

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Re: Fuel
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2008, 08:32:06 pm »
Don't forget the other associated cost...

A bigger fuel cell. As of right now road racers are running to the extent of the fuel cell and would need to double in size...

Switching to methonal would be much more expense than you think.

Randy -RPM
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Re: Fuel
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2008, 09:07:18 am »
Methanol not toxic?

While touted by the Environmental Protection Agency as a substitute fuel for gasoline, environmental health researchers are concerned about the toxicity of methanol. In a study done by the University of Rochester on the neurobehavioral toxicology of methanol, it was concluded that ". . . solvents such as methanol, endocrine disruptors such as the PCBs, and drugs such as cocaine are potent nervous system poisons whose capacity to inflict damage to the developing brain greatly exceeds their capacity to induce damage in the adult brain. . . .this damage may remain silent . . ."

"Acute (short-term) exposure of humans to methanol by inhalation or ingestion may result in visual disturbances, such as blurred or dimness of vision, leading to blindness. Neurological damage, specifically permanent motor dysfunction, may also result. chronic (long-term) inhalation or oral exposure to methanol may result in conjunctivitis, headach, giddiness, insomnia, gastric disturbances, visual disturbances, and blindness in humans."

Everyone wants to think alcohols are the answer to all of our problems but they fail to realize they will just create different problems.
Have you owned a methanol powered car?  I have had 2 and dont ever want one again.  You spend hours cleaning the fuel system before and after every race.  Plus, if you dont know what you are doing you can really damage your engine.  I see way to many head aches with methanol in an entry level class.  Lets stick with some sort of low octane (98) race gas and be done with it.

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Re: Fuel
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2008, 02:32:06 pm »
Hooray for Jeff!!! No other comments necessary
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Re: Fuel
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2008, 06:50:55 pm »
I agree - pump gas is good.  Cheap and you can buy it EVERYWHERE!! 
Brian B

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Re: Fuel
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2008, 06:52:22 pm »
Here is an easy read on alcohol fuel for those that are interested.

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