Author Topic: Wheel rule is pushed back to 2011  (Read 10966 times)

Offline IraceLegends77

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Wheel rule is pushed back to 2011
« on: November 16, 2009, 06:48:18 pm »
 Legends wheel rule date pushed back to 2011

Legends wheels have long been governed by the rule stating that any steel wheel the same size, weight, design, etc. as the stock wheels was legal to use at INEX sanctioned events.

As we have done with the Bandolero & Thunder Car wheels, INEX would like to bring the many different wheels being used on Legends Cars down to just the wheels that are used in the production of the Legends Cars at the 600 Racing manufacturing facility. By doing this, INEX will control the rising cost of wheels and at the same time, standardize the wheels being used on Legends Cars.

Starting March 1st, 2011, only Unique Wheels (part #246-3744 / Black & #34-3744 / Chrome) & Bassett Wheels (part #37ST3S / Silver & #37ST3 / Black) & "round hole" (10 holes) wheels as originally delivered by 600 Racing, Inc. will be permitted for use on Legends Cars at any INEX sanctioned event.


Scott Wilkerson #77   Vision Graphix Racing

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Re: Wheel rule is pushed back to 2011
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2009, 06:49:46 pm »
Are we sure thats not a typo? over 2 years to implement a rule change doesnt seem right...
VMS Motorsports
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Re: Wheel rule is pushed back to 2011
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2009, 06:53:26 pm »
Ok, Its on the 600 website, so I guess you're right.
You have to change tires at the drop of a hat, but they allow over 2 years to change wheels.
I'll log off before going on a tangent
VMS Motorsports
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Offline RickyBobby

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Re: Wheel rule is pushed back to 2011
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2009, 09:18:53 pm »
I am sure there was enough push back from racers on this.  Some people would have many many sets or Aero's they would need to replace.  It would not be INEXpesive anymore.  I am glad they pushed it back.  The rule the way it is is good.  If it makes weight then go if not then DQ.  I am sure ther was a back door deal with Bassett but that does not help the racers.  I run Bassetts now so it didn't affect me but I know people who have 6 sets of Aero's.  600 did a good thing by holding off on this.

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Re: Wheel rule is pushed back to 2011
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2009, 10:40:28 pm »
It makes no sense, when taken in context with the tire rule.

The wheel rule was announced a year ago, and not to be enforced until 4 months from now, most people I know, if they were running something other than the 600 wheel or the Bassett wheel, have discarded those and bought the correct wheel within the last 18 months.

Now, the tire rule. Has it even been officially announced yet? It was leaked a month ago, and will be mandatory for asphalt in March?

Happily, it does not apply to me, but how does it make any sense to make a rule a year ago, wait until 99% of the people conform to it, then decide not to enforce it, then make another rule change to take effect, for all intents and purposes, immediately.

I understand the tire deal has to be done because of the BFG line re-tooling, thats fine, but to decide not to enforce a rule after the majority of racers have spent the money to conform is a suspect business decision. Dont get me wrong, I sold alot of Bassett wheels over the last year thanks to the rule change...oops, not change, but something doesnt smell right.

And no, there was no back door deal with Bassett, I can guarantee you that.  I know more than I'd like to about how some business decisions are made, we can discuss that privately if you want .  I just hope that some other manufacturer didn't come along with a dog and pony show  to get 600 to change their minds on the wheels, and we hear about it next January that the Bassetts will be illegal, thus causing this peculiar delay.

Something isn't right in the land of the Legends

VMS Motorsports
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Offline joeracer22

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Re: Wheel rule is pushed back to 2011
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2009, 11:45:59 pm »
jim you are right that something weird is going on here but money helps make decisions so if another wheel company didnt like being excluded from the mix who knows maybe they threw some money at 600 racing and now the rule change is delayed. It wouldnt suprise me one bit money padding pockets have changed rules in other forms of racing in the past whos to say that this isnt something along those lines. Just a thought. could be wrong.

Offline RickyBobby

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Re: Wheel rule is pushed back to 2011
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2009, 03:16:48 pm »
I think maybe this issue is clouded by those selling Bassetts.  The class is supposed to be kept inexpensive and if some guys have bought new wheels last year and have to switch over then that is going to cost them alot.  Tires wear out and get changed each season so one has nothing to do with the other.

Offline Vern Houseman

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Re: Wheel rule is pushed back to 2011
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2009, 03:47:46 pm »
hey im one of those guys I bought 10 new aero rims.......
Vernon Houseman #20

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Re: Wheel rule is pushed back to 2011
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2009, 03:55:47 pm »
I think maybe this issue is clouded by those selling Bassetts.  The class is supposed to be kept inexpensive and if some guys have bought new wheels last year and have to switch over then that is going to cost them alot.  Tires wear out and get changed each season so one has nothing to do with the other.

Not sure how you mean that. If anyone bought new wheels last year, the 2010 wheel rule was already out there. "Clouded by those selling Bassetts". I tell you what, when the guy who supposedly gets his parts at cost from the dealer to operate the parts truck BUYS HIS WHEELS FROM ME BECAUSE THEYRE CHEAPER THAN 600 CHARGES THE DEALER... the problem isn't on me or Bassett. Hell, I'd sell 600's wheels if they'd let me.

Check things out before you want to throw blame at people for selling a product that was MANDATED by 600 Racing.

And another thing, 3 of my dirt tires are 2 full seasons old, and the RR has 23 shows on it. They all still have the rubber nipples on them from the mold and all still durometer under 60. I go through wheels faster than I do tires.

Once again, if you want to learn about how things are done as far as 600, give me a call
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Offline jgrimracing

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Re: Wheel rule is pushed back to 2011
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2009, 07:24:50 pm »
We also go through more wheels then tires on the dirt.  We have only bought 7 dirt tires now in 3 seasons (about 60-70 races), and one was a used one for $20.00.  We have gone through at least 10 wheels I would guess.  The tires last forever on the dirt.  I do feel for guys like Vern who bought a number of the Aero or other brand wheels though.  I think some had bought other brand wheels before the beadlock wheel was anounced, trying to keep the tires on the bead.  I sort of think it is a good deal to let this wheel deal work it self out by implementing it over the season and a half like they have seem to done now.  Most guys will have used up the other brand stuff by then or have at least gotten some use out of what they have.  I wish they would get the info on the tires out soon though.  We have heald off getting rid of tires or buying new ones until we hear something official.  We run a pretty low budget deal and the thought of buying 4 new tires for pavement, 4 for dirt and spares for each is scary.  Right now our spares are all old stuff we either bought with cars or have been given to us by guys who got out of the sport.  I am all for early anouncement of new rules.

Offline RickyBobby

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Re: Wheel rule is pushed back to 2011
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2009, 10:14:44 pm »
yes but it has been said on here before that 600 is about the ashpault guys.  So we go through more tires than wheels.  So again those guys who bought Aero's would be upset and probably pushed back on 600.  I was meaning the guys who heard the rule change and set up deals with Bassett would be upset because it hurts their business.  I for one think this is a good idea by 600 to push it out to let guys buy a set or two and phase them into their program.

We know you sell Bassett Jim and this would hurt your sales by them pushing this out a year so you would be upset about this.

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Re: Wheel rule is pushed back to 2011
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2009, 10:20:10 am »
You have avoided every point I made in my previous post, and since you have refused both offers to talk privately, we can just chat on here.

First off, check your history books. Bassett and Trapp (now Unique) have  been the wheels available from 600 dealers like yourself, far before the wheel rule change. Bassett isnt a new guy in town who made a fat deal with 600.

Yes, everyone knows I sell Bassetts, but also doesn't everyone also know that you are a new 600 parts dealer? You, I would think, would not have a problem selling Bassett wheels, since they are a 600 catalog piece.

As far as my dealing with Bassett, since you don't have a single fact about me or my business, I will elaborate for you. I began selling Bassett wheels after the rule change was announced, as you inferred. Why did I do this? To help out the racers. If you don't believe that, please read on.

Where you stated that it would hurt my business if I didn't sell anymore, it would certainly not. I could stop selling wheels tomorrow and be doing  just fine.

I will now lay my cards on the table...I have a sneaky suspicion that you will not:

My cost for a Bassett wheel is $52.74, whether I buy one or one hundred pieces. This is the cost if I drive an hour and a half one way to pick them up from the factory, no shipping charges.
I sell them for $62.00 each, a gross profit of $9.62 per wheel. Round trip of 120 miles at 12 MPG is 10 gallons of gas. Currently, as I look out my window, gas prices are down to $2.54.9 per gallon. I'll drop the .9 so you can't accuse me of mis-stating the facts. So, $2.54 X 10 gallons=$25.40 for fuel.  That takes away the profit for 2.6 wheel sales for every trip I make down there. You can put your own value on what you think that wear and tear on my truck and 3 hours of my time are worth. I wont even get into the fact that I only charge $60 each for the guys I race with that pick their wheels up on race day.

The MSRP for the Bassett wheel is $66.10.
600 sells them for $72.99.
I sell them for $62.00.
You can deny it all you want, I am helping my fellow racers to get the parts they need at a better cost than they can buy from either Bassett or 600.

If I'm a bad guy for that, I guess I'll be a bad guy.

To date, I have sold 19 wheels at a total gross profit of $182.78, and made 2 trips at a cost of $50.80, for a total income of $131.98 not counting my time, vehicle depreciation, or the fact that a majority of those sales were made at the track for $60.00, not $62.00.

If I were to never sell a wheel again, I'd be just fine.

Why you have chosen to make this personal, I'm not sure. My issue is with the fact that a rule was made, the majority of racers have purchased new wheels in the last year or so to conform to it, and now, for some reason, it's not going to be enforced. There is an air of impropriety here, and that does not sit well with me. I know for a fact that at least one of the racers on this forum disposed of 5 Aero wheels because of the wheel rule, as they had no value a couple wheels ago.  He could have used them this year, or sold them to someone who could.

As with all things, I have made a decision to race Legends cars, and will continue to do so, but I also have the right to state my feelings on a particular subject if I feel it is not being handled correctly, do I not? Just as you have the right to state that you feel it is a good decision. Why you took it to a personal level, I will never know, as I don't recall having a negative experience with you in the past. If you're just toe-ing the company line, thats fine, but do not try to personally involve me in your won't work.

I laid my cards out on the table...your turn
VMS Motorsports
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Offline RickyBobby

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Re: Wheel rule is pushed back to 2011
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2009, 02:10:21 pm »
Jim.  I was not making it personal.  What I was trying to say is that selling Bassett wheels after the rule change was a great idea on your part.  By 600 pushing out the date to enforce the rule change would not drive as many sales as it would have.  Thus I was saying that that might be a reason for being upset with it being pushed out.  Then I was say going on to say that as a racer I am glad they pushed it out as I know many people who purchased new Aero wheels last season and the notice came out half way through the year.  So based on that it is supposed to be an inexpensive form of racing and this was going to cose some racers more money again.  However, some of these drivers can purchased one or two sets of wheels from you or whomever they wish and run a mix of Bassetts and Aero's for a season.  More of a phased approach.

Again Jim this was not a personal jab at you but more how different people can view the situation depending on how they are affected.

