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General / Re: What are people's thoughts on the new Afco shocks?
« Last post by justfreaky on June 13, 2023, 05:51:36 pm »
Unfortunately, Afco's are more rare than finding tires. LOL!!!

General / Re: What are people's thoughts on the new Afco shocks?
« Last post by Doug10 on June 13, 2023, 05:00:45 pm »
For our dirt series down south, we have to run the bilstein, but I?d like to get a nice matched set of them if any of y?all are liquidating old gear.

General / Re: Hello All from the SE....
« Last post by justfreaky on June 13, 2023, 03:24:32 pm »
Welcome, Doug!
Things have been a bit quiet here on the forum lately. Thank You for the introduction.
Be sure to post questions, answers or tips and tricks.

General / Hello All from the SE....
« Last post by Doug10 on June 13, 2023, 03:09:19 pm »
Hello Everyone,

Thanks for approving me to the forum. New legend racing family here, recently retired from a career of military service and moved down to sunny South East. I don't do facebook or any of that, I'm old school and like forums. We run strictly Dirt, currently my son runs a 37 Sedan and i am in the market for one too sooner or later. Been dirt racing since the early 90's, just this is the first time in a legend. I cannot express how helpful this board has been thus far for a lurker like me. Ill try to get some pictures of the car and trailer build out posted soon. Any other dirt guys feel free to chime in, especially down here in the SE.
General / Welcome!
« Last post by justfreaky on June 07, 2023, 04:02:59 pm »
I have been busy lately and haven't done this in a while. A warm welcome to all our new members!!!
I know a few of you have been on the site before. Glad to have you back!

Feel free to introduce yourselves, post your questions, offer up solutions, tips or tricks.

General / Re: What are people's thoughts on the new Afco shocks?
« Last post by legend110 on May 23, 2023, 12:08:08 pm »
We race in the south and in our area alot have the new shocks. We raced this past weekend and from what we done and from what others have said the main issue is getting the car to turn in center is the main issue that they seen so far. This on dirt.
General / Rear steer on dirt legend cars
« Last post by legend110 on May 23, 2023, 12:02:19 pm »
Somewhat new to this class but how would you add rear steer to the car? The issue I have is the car gets tight on center out and want to get the car to turn better for better drive off.
Drivetrain & Gearing / Re: 10 bolt - missing 2 from gear change
« Last post by justfreaky on May 10, 2023, 11:30:11 am »
So the stud is broken? Or did it just come out with the nut?

Drivetrain & Gearing / Re: 10 bolt - missing 2 from gear change
« Last post by 914racing on May 09, 2023, 09:03:48 pm »
Thanks. When I was loosening the nuts, the stud and nut came off as they must have snapped.
Drivetrain & Gearing / Re: 10 bolt - missing 2 from gear change
« Last post by justfreaky on May 09, 2023, 05:26:53 pm »
Not sure why you are missing 2. But if they are stripped, you could Helicoil them.
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