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Engine Care & Tuning / 1250 Motor Mount Issue
« Last post by Young Moses on October 26, 2023, 05:52:45 pm »
I am fairly new to legend cars world and one of my cars had this issue on the driveshaft side of a 1250 engine the mounts are split and leaking oil when the engine is running (shown in video). My question is the following how could/should this be repaired? Furthermore how much would this cost?
Thank you,
Setup and Handling / Re: Axle skew/cross weight dirt discussion?..
« Last post by justfreaky on July 30, 2023, 10:18:48 am »
For loose off, stiffen RF spring, raise tire pressure on RF, increase cross weight. I run with rear end square in the chassis. Find yourself a good tight/loose chart.

Setup and Handling / Axle skew/cross weight dirt discussion?..
« Last post by Doug10 on July 27, 2023, 05:50:12 pm »
Say it you have a car that enters great, good middle, loose on power off?. Axle is skew to the right for rotation coming off, running 47% cross. Would you add a few percent of cross to help with the loose off or would you square axle back up some? Both should accomplish the goal? allready soft on right rear spring, don?t wanna change that. Car is drivable and is fast but just wanna get my driver a little more confidence coming off turn. Dirt tracks with medium bite, hard, take a little rubber.
General / Re: What are people's thoughts on the new Afco shocks?
« Last post by legend110 on June 29, 2023, 03:16:10 pm »
Well from what We experienced our last race the new afco shocks dont take a hit like the Bilstein's and the turn around time to repair them is who knows how long so for now holding onto the Bilstein for back up since we still can run either shock for now since all dont have the new shocks yet. Took a hit in the left rear on a start and the afco broke in half on the rod area. At least the Bilstein's would have just bent. The hit was not even straight on it was a side to side hit.
General / Re: Hello All from the SE....
« Last post by legend110 on June 29, 2023, 03:09:27 pm »
Yes the Nationals here in Nov was a big hit last year with the biggest car count the nationals has had so far. Its a fun few days of racing for sure. My nephew placed top 5 last year during the nationals and it was just his second year in the legends car. Look us up if you decide to come up this way in Nov.
General / Re: Hello All from the SE....
« Last post by Doug10 on June 25, 2023, 09:30:22 am »
We are down in northeast Florida. We have quite a few tracks down here that have allowed us or allow us to put in shows. They have a series of dirt guys and gals that travel
And race together all over. They race North Florida Speedway, Bubba Raceway Park, Jacksonville International Raceway, Marion County Speedway, Hendry County Speedway, and East Bay Raceway Park. We were thinking about coming up there on a road trip and wanted to hit a race at your track to see if we could be competitive or not for the November race. I?ll send you my contact info, shoot me a text message sometime, would be happy to share/swap some info.

General / Re: Hello All from the SE....
« Last post by legend110 on June 22, 2023, 03:22:31 pm »
Welcome Doug, what part of the SE are you in? What is your local track you race at? Im somewhat new to legends also here only been about 2 years for me. I race the dirt track in Fayetteville NC.
General / Lightning hit my internet gateway
« Last post by Tom Cole on June 16, 2023, 01:56:58 pm »
Sorry for the outage folks.  We have had a lot of storms here the past few days and lightning took out my cable modem.  I have all sorts of protection on the power side and nothing else got hit, so it must have come in through the cable.
General / Re: What are people's thoughts on the new Afco shocks?
« Last post by justfreaky on June 14, 2023, 12:00:17 pm »
I see them on the Facebook pages fairly often.
General / Re: What are people's thoughts on the new Afco shocks?
« Last post by Doug10 on June 13, 2023, 07:31:24 pm »
Nice set of bilsteins that is lol.

We scored two sets of Hoosier dirt tires a couple months ago luckily?. Before that they were going open tire with folks running the American racers.
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