Author Topic: Best way to slow Bandos  (Read 27024 times)

Offline 3nracing97

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Best way to slow Bandos
« on: June 21, 2009, 03:12:53 pm »
The track we run on is really too fast for bandos and we already run restrictors.   We are thinking about using a gear rule to slow them down further. 

 The cars are running about 72 mph average lap speed and last night a driver got hurt.  The track young guns point leader and a very good driver spun and hit the wall coming out of 4.  He hit flat on the drivers side door area and was knocked out for a while.  Haven't heard much more on his condition.

The kids are flat out the whole lap and we are getting the cars faster.  They on on the edge so at least if we slow them down they will have better control of them.  I know there will be more contact but at a slower speed they could at least have more grip and control of the cars.

Does anyone have any ideas or experience with the gear rule stuff so we can hear if there are any problems or ways around it too make the cars faster with the gear rule.     

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Re: Best way to slow Bandos
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2009, 04:40:03 pm »
We went the hospital last nite after the race. Mitchel got to see him. Mitchel said that Logan could not remember the race. The doctors did a ct scan last nite and they got to leave around 3am. Then they went back this morning because they thought they saw something, but everything is clear. Lets keep praying.

Now, that gear rule thing. One post on here is that blue plate was REALLY slow. Please don't take this the wrong way, but how will the kids learn car control at such a slow speed if everyone is running the same setup,gears and pretty much the same tire pressure. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the Bandit class run the same plate and everything?


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Re: Best way to slow Bandos
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2009, 05:28:12 pm »
i talked with logans dad today andhe said he was doing ok just very sore.  both classes are on the same plate.  i dont think we want to change plates or slow them to the point of being boring.  but i think a good idea to slow them down a second to a second and half a lap. from 18.8 to the 20 to 20.5 would be good laps time in my opionion. i dont want to see another kid go to the hospital. i know accidents will happen but if we can have a slight chance at preventing it it would make our lifes easier at the racetrack.  i think what we are after is a chance at better car control in the event of a accident. please keep the young driver in your prayers as they still have a road of recovery togo.   thanks brad

Offline 3nracing97

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Re: Best way to slow Bandos
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2009, 06:20:33 pm »
I understand what you are saying but they are not really learning that much car control out there now.  When you have to lift and use brakes is when you really learn car control. 

I really believe that they would be learning the same at a slower speed.  At least then they would be able to catch the car if it gets loose.  They would also learn how to race each other.  They could learn give and take a little more and not tear the car completely up or get hurt.  Right now, if they touch or get loose it is awful hard to recover.

I am with you on the other plate, that is why we are looking at the gear rule.  We really need a smaller track to run on so we can take the plates off but all we have is the big track.

The Bandits are the same cars just younger drivers, this would affect them too.  If you don't want to go the gear rule that is fine, we can keep it like it is because this would have to be something everyone agrees with.  We are just looking at options and trying to come up with something safer.

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Re: Best way to slow Bandos
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2009, 07:14:32 pm »
Don't take this the wrong way either. But it's crazy that as long as the bandos have been running there that it would take something like this to try and slow them down now. Whatever the drivers and the track and INEX agrees with will be fine.

Offline 3nracing97

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Re: Best way to slow Bandos
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2009, 09:46:17 pm »
Your right it shouldn't have taken this long,  but it also shouldn't have taken Nascar 3 deaths to see that head and neck restraints should be used. 


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Re: Best way to slow Bandos
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2009, 10:03:27 pm »
i am in the same boat i wish it wouldnt have took this long for something to be done. but at the same time i am sitting trying to figure out the bandos have went from 20 second plus lap times last year to under 19 second laps time at this point. i want the kids to have fun and have a good time racing but i cant stand the thought of another child going to the hospital.   this will take everyone effort including the track or we might continue to lose cars.   this might work and it might not work. it would be interesting to see how it works at other tracks to see if it would work at our track.  brad

Offline justfreaky

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Re: Best way to slow Bandos
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2009, 04:16:08 pm »
I hope that Logan is going to be alright. I, too, don't like to see anyone suffer from an accident of any kind, especially children. !!!
My thoughts and prayers that he will have a speedy recovery without incident!

Short of cutting engine size; Restrictor plates and gearing are about the only options. Parental guidence is helpful. What I mean by that is not the "Win At ALL Cost" attitude that some parents take with ANY sport. Besides running up the risks, it also runs up the costs. We all know that there ARE risks involved.  I think that the track also needs to take an active role in track safety and driver education. I think that INEX could play a role in the education factor. A lot of the "Big" tracks are taking an active interest in improving driver safety. It is going to take the parents AND INEX to do something about the situation. Safety should ALWAYS be of the most importance to drivers, parents, and track  officials; Regardless of what class you are racing. The only way I see to bring about change is to voice your oppinion to the governing body. I know that we, (our family) here at legendsracer, would like to stay out of the politics. It IS a very important concern though!!!

For my small part here on the site, I would like to see some ideas on the changes that need to be made (ALL oppinions are welcome!!!!).  I will be more than happy to pass them on to whom ever I can, to ALWAYS improve a safe environment to ANY racer.

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Re: Best way to slow Bandos
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2009, 11:36:40 pm »
Instead of changing the gears, or a diff plate, what about a throttle stop to where the throttle is only open about 80 to 90%. Steve, what are your thoughts? Maybe the car owner can put it on and maybe the track set it and have somekind of seal. Seal it like the engine is from 600.

Offline mch46

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Re: Best way to slow Bandos
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2009, 10:53:04 am »
Sounds like ya'll need something to put the speeds somewhere between the red plate (too fast) and the blue plate (too slow).   One compromise may be to run the blue plate, but mount it above the black spacer instead of below it.  This would make the cars a little faster than with the standard blue plate placement, but should be slower than the red plate.  Of course, its not the proper order that INEX requires, but for your track, with your drivers, and your kids, it may be the best solution.  Some track testing and honest dialogue with Daryl would then be the appropriate avenue.   Just my opinion.

Offline justfreaky

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Re: Best way to slow Bandos
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2009, 01:13:27 pm »

That is an interesting and easy soluition. Mike has a good idea also. I would be interested to hear from some of the others (Drivers and Parents).

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Re: Best way to slow Bandos
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2009, 03:06:59 pm »
That would be a great idea. Someone has already put the red plate in the wrong place and left everyone in the dust. that just might work.

Offline 3nracing97

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Re: Best way to slow Bandos
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2009, 06:57:05 pm »
That is a good idea but it would probably put us right back where we are now.  By moving the plate you gain around 500 rpm.  The problem with a throttle stop is that these engines are not all the same and the carbs are different.  So what might be a good place on one motor might not be good for another. 

What if the gear rule was more of a driver rule?  Say we have to run a 14 or 13 driver but any axle gear is ok. 

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Re: Best way to slow Bandos
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2009, 07:30:36 pm »
So you want to leave the plate and go to a 13 or 14 front driver and any gear on the rear? And have the tech guys take that clutch off right after a race? Can you see them playing "hot potato" with your clutch!


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Re: Best way to slow Bandos
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2009, 10:00:59 am »
Hello all,

I am Logan's dad and first, I want to thank all of you for your prayers and concerns.  Yes, all the safety gear worked as it should have, but nothing works like prayer to the Great Physician.  Logan is walking away from this crash with no lasting injuries at all.  He has amnesia for the 35-45 minutes between getting in his car and arriving at the hospital, so he has no emotional trauma.  Those drivers that had to see him taken through the windshield on a back board with his head taped to the board probably have more emotional trauma to deal with.  He is ready to race this Saturday. His car however,  is weeks away from being ready.  I dont know if I can strap him in a car again though.  I do know he will not drive again without a full containment seat. 

I agree that we need to slow the cars down some.  Something like 20.5 lap times would be safer in my opinion.  Some testing with different gear ratios would find the correct gear combo to slow the cars to whatever target lap time we ( or INEX ) choose.  Then, mandate that combo with the current plate.  I'm willing to help in any way I can to make the changes necessary to keep our children safe. 

Again thanks for all the prayers.


