BANDOLEROS > Engine Care & Tuning

Cleaning Carb


I just heard that the best way to clean a carb was to use brake cleaner and not carb cleaner. The carb cleaner will work for awile but it gets the carb all sticky after a wile and could break it.

Chance 8)

Not true.
Best way to clean the carb is to pull it apart and soak in carb cleaner. Blow out all the little passages with compressed air, and rebuild.
Spraying the carb doesn't really clean it out very well.


okay that i will try

Chance 8)

The Tank:
Old thread but thought I would post on this anyway. Being certified through John Deere and Stihl on small engines, they both recommend using brake cleaner over carb cleaner in the can. Best I understand the spray carb cleaner has some chemical in it that will damage some of the carbs now days. Preferred method of cleaning is with an ultrasonic cleaner with a carb cleaner solution. I use an ultrasonic cleaner regularly on small engine carbs and man what a miracle it does. If anyone is interested in getting one for a shop Id suggest a Sharpertek brand. The models with the water heaters do work better.

Interesting on the brake cleaner vs carb cleaner.
Ultrasonic is the way to fly.
At this time, Chance was racing almost every week and needed a quick fix.



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