LEGENDS > Drivetrain & Gearing

Welding spider gears

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WoW! You must have used a spood if wire welding that up. All the gears I saw welded were just where the spider gears mesh. Not saying there's anything wrong with the way your is. It will sure do the job.

While Pegalis goes a bit overboard;
He also runs Rock Crawlers.

Don't think that is coming apart anytime soon!




There is one problem with only welding between the teeth of the spider gears. Over time and a few hard races, the welds can crack, and allow some movement in the gears.  Sooner or later, that carrier will give into the stresses, and but into big chunks.  Engine your race for the day. 
Yea, im abit overkill. If its worth doing, it worth doing way to much :)

Tig is the best option.


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