Author Topic: Chassis question  (Read 4544 times)

Offline Dmaxman2006

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Chassis question
« on: April 26, 2022, 10:52:58 pm »
Would like to get your guys opinion.

I currently have a sedan with the 1250 in it. I'd like to  get a fz09 but I'm not sure how I should go about it. Selling my current car and getting a good used fz09 or get a new frame and start a new build.

I would consider even just swapping my current car to a fz09 but if my title is correct the chassis with the current car is abt 10 years old. I'm worried with it being that old that the metal is getting weak or is weak and will start cracking etc. I also would push more towards getting a new car from inex but I hear there far behind on builds so I'd be waiting for awhile I'm sure.

Offline justfreaky

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Re: Chassis question
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2022, 02:41:05 pm »
Seems to me that You have 4 choices. You can order a new chassis (which still may take some time) and swap all your current parts onto it. You can sell your current car and order a completely new car. (I am hearing the wait is considerable as well). You could buy a good used complete FZ09 car. Or, you could pull your current car completely apart and inspect the entire chassis. Inspect for damage, corrosion and all welds. These chassis are fairly tough and reliable and will last quite awhile if the cars have not been flipped, rolled or been in a fire. Yes, it happens! And fires will weaken the metal. You may want to find a good fabricator or chassis guy to help you determine the condition of your chassis.

If you go the route to buy a good used FZ09 car, you also buy the risks of buying any type of used car. It could have an older chassis with an upgraded engine swap. If you know the car to be a newer chassis with an upgraded engine, that could be the upgrade you are looking for! FZ cars tend to be in the higher dollar range as they are more desirable right now.

Let's talk buying either a used FZ car or a "good" used FZ09 engine. Again, you are at the mercy of the seller. You have to trust his word that the engine is good, or the car is a "good" strong running car. As with all the sealed engines, they have to be sent back for rebuilds. Exactly when that is, can be a tough call and depends on the engines condition. If you've been shopping around, or reading posts of people looking for an engine (1250 or FZ09), you will notice the questions they ask of the sellers. The first question is usually "How many races on the engine"? The second question is "What are the compression numbers"? You have to basically trust the person you decide to buy from. Unless you are able to physically check the car and /or engine out yourself.

I guess there is another option as well... You could buy a new FZ09 engine from INEX. Okay, it's a new engine! Likely that this will take a bit of waiting time as well. There are no guarantees on a rebuilt or new engine. Because of past experiences with some of our friends, a new or rebuilt engine can last 5 minutes or 50+ races. So that's kind of a crapshoot as well.

Where am I going with all my rambling? I guess it depends on what your budget allows and how much you trust the person selling you the car or engine. It is truly a tough question to answer! Perhaps some others will toss there thoughts out there for you to consider as well.

Hope that helps you some.

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