Street Legal Legends > Drive Train

Reverse Options

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The dwarf cars guys are using the 8 bolt Toyota and also quickchange rear ends. The 8 bolt saves a little bit of weight over the 10 bolt. I think the quickchange would make gear changes a lot easier. There has been some talk about a quickchange rear end for the legends cars; But I don't see that happening any time soon.


Sorry! I was not knocking drift racing... Just not really something that interests me.


I realize I am probably the oldest person into drifting, most classic car guys really look down on it!  However, I think they are kind of hypocrites, as most of them enjoy a good burnout and burnout contest.  Just think of drifting as a burnout while going around a corner!

I have some ideas for reverse.  They sell separate ring gears for Honda GX390 engines.  I could fab that up to the driveshaft to diff.  Not sure if the Honda starter could move the car, but Speedway sells a compact powerful starter for under $100.  I could just swap out the starter gear between units potentially.  Not sure how durable the gear would be long term since it not really designed to move a car!

Brinn make a super compact flywheel for SBC, but I would have do a lot of machining of the center section,29693.html  The other option is this Bert flywheel,57114.html?sku=736370&utm_medium=CSEGoogle&utm_source=CSE&utm_campaign=CSEGOOGLE&gclid=CjwKCAiAjeSABhAPEiwAqfxURaVs9wd1AmPd4ycL7P330adQE4RLlP7mwDwv_rguBN5z0HYuz8YDdxoCkPAQAvD_BwE

And some people think that all oval track cars do is turn left. Classic car guys aren't always hot rodders.
If you enjoy drifting; Then do it! Cars are what we make of them and what we expect them to do for us. I've restored many a classic car as well as race. I have a truck because I expect it to haul my race trailer better than than family van. I expect the van to haul friends and family to parties and vacation trips. LOL!

A smaller, lighter weight, flywheel and/ or starter certainly couldn't hurt. The less rotating mass, the better. Will the compact starters mesh with say the GX390 flywheel? Other than the expensive reverse gear box (I believe it is make in the UK); I have seen people use the flywheel and starter from whatever common vehicle for kit cars and Motorcycle powered car. It's may be slow... But it does work.

As they come as is, the high output compact starters will not mesh with the GX390 flywheel.  I am thinking I could swap the pinion gear from the Honda starter to the compact starter.  Perhaps I am being optimistic!  The Honda starters are 0.5 Kw and rotate CCW.  The compact Chevy starters are around 1.5Kw and rotate CW.  I need to be mindful of the rotation, as some starters will spin both ways if you reverse the polarity, but will not kick out the pinion gear if hooked up backwards.  The good thing about GX390 parts is they are super cheap!  I intend to install a clutch safety switch, so I can't engage reverse unless the clutch is pushed in.


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