Author Topic: a good start  (Read 20372 times)

Offline Jason Stix Buckley

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Re: a good start
« Reply #15 on: November 02, 2007, 11:44:07 am »
Purchased set up.
When you PURCHASE a set-up in written form it is not legal to publish that information to the public for free, now, depending on how that information has been protected would reflect the level of legality.
I have helped alot of people for free, but I really dont appreciate it when my info is passed around. iIhave spent years and lots of money to develop my info, since I am a dealer I often help my parts customers with set-up and other advice, but these are my customers. The information regarding the set up that has been posted is basic info, there is alot more to a true set-up than wheel base, springs, etc. there are alot of measurements and details in the geometry of the car that make a set-up work.  Good luck.

I agree.

I am not here to start arguements, and I do not have a problem with qweedqwag.  I may or may not know qweedqwag ... don't know your real name.  But I do think posting someone else's setup is not the best thing to do, especially if you purchased it.

Think of it this way ...

Say you go out and buy a CD of your favorite band.  You are supporting them by buying it.  Then you find out someone else bought it and uploaded the whole album to the net for free for everyone else to download.  How fair is that to the creators of the CD that 200,000 people got it free when they should have paid $15 each for it?  How fair is it to you that you paid for it and others got it for free?

The difference would be how it was purchased and with what stipulations.  If there was a stipulation that anyone who bought it can distribute it as they see fit to anyone, then this post is completely ok.  If that stipulation wasn't there, regardless if stated or not, generally it is implied that sharing sensitive purchased information is not acceptable.

I have ZERO problem with people sharing their setups or helping out others.  In fact, I think it is a good thing that people are helping others.  There needs to be more of that in the racing world.  However, if the author or creator of the setup listed hasn't authorized their stuff to be publically distributed, I think it is not only ethically wrong to do so, but actually is legally not the right thing either.  There is a lot of legal ramifications that could occur from this, depending on the situation.  I don't want to see anyone get in trouble here. 

qweedqwag, again, no disrespect towards you and I am not trying to cause conflict or an arguement.  I just disagree with the posting of that setup, UNLESS you purhased the rights to publish it publically or you have the creator's approval.  If that is the case, ROCK ON! :)

Offline Tom Cole

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Re: a good start
« Reply #16 on: November 03, 2007, 02:33:06 pm »
If a setup guy is worth his salt, then the small fee you pay to get his help is worth it.   I do not agree with, nor do I condone anyone republishing someone else's setup, even if giving credit.  I bought, and recommend Keven Yeatts setup.  I think I paid about $75 and consider it a bargain.  I won't post his setup numbers here.   I don't run my car specifically according to his setup anyway, so if I gave my numbers, they would be different.

There is plenty that can be discussed, such as baslines and adjustment to make from that baseline given varying circumstances, and if you pay someone to set up your car, and you report those measurements here, there is no copywrite issue.

Offline DARK AGE 53

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Re: a good start
« Reply #17 on: November 05, 2007, 02:30:55 pm »
The title of this topic of this thread  is " a good start ", being it's gotten way off topic and probably won't get back I'm locking this thread.


