Author Topic: Having issues down shifting  (Read 5877 times)

Offline Racin Greyson

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Having issues down shifting
« on: June 06, 2016, 07:23:42 am »
I have the heavy duty clutch from 600. I'm told it's basically a Barnett. I had issues with the clutch slipping. After inspecting the friction disks I replaced three of them as they were the only ones that were at the suggest  minimum thickness. The other three were in great shape.  I was also told it is a common practice with these style clutches to add a second washer to the the six little spring which I did. Now my clutch works great. EXCEPT when I shift down its hard to get it in gear. Example: I spin out in fourth and come to a dead stop or I come into the pits  I push the clutch in and it's tough to get it back to first gear.  However, when I slightly  disengage the clutch I can get it into gear. Now this only happens when downshifting.  I am new to Legends and I'm assuming I need to perhaps just my shifter rods/linkage,  but not certain. What do you all think I should do?
Much thanks!!!