LEGENDS > Drivetrain & Gearing

Clutch Master Cylinder Change


So I need change the Master for my clutch. I have no clue what needs to be done here.

Is the clutch going to go out of adjustment? If so how do adjust the clutch? Is it just adjusted by the cable like on a motorcycle?

Also on a separate matter. If I do a complete change of my brake fluid, what is the capacity so I know how much fluid to buy? I have some high dollar brake fluid that was given to me, not sure if I have enough. 

VMS Motorsports:
You just change the master and bleed it. No adjustments. You have a clutch cable?

Brakes all depends on your car and how the lines are run, type of lines, where the prop valve is, etc

Mission complete!

No I'm sorry I don't have a cable, don't know what I was thinking.

Went exactly as Jim said. Took forever to bleed the air out though.


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