BANDOLEROS > Setup & Handling

Steering Lock

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Hi All,
What does everyone do to lock the steering rack so you can set toe , caster and camber??
I haven't seen anything for sale.

We take string and attach to bungy  cord from front bumper to rear bumper both sides and adjust steering wheel to straight on one side and set toe on other sideif u buy bungy with holes already in then u cut  both. Sides of bungy and attach string to holes leave metal clip on to attach to bumpers

As I have not seen anything in the rules, or heard anyone discuss this situation before; Can you not do the same as the Kart folks and use a steering lock?
Anyone in the know about this?
Seems to me that bungee cords would stretch and not give a very accurate measurement.

just set it on the ground and set the toe. I always roll it back and forth and re check though.

VMS Motorsports:
When did you get into Bandos Scott?


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