LEGENDS > General


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Publish people's names in the magazine?  That's great.  I like their thinking. 

Here is the traction control ad.......

Have a Traction Control system for use on a legends car. This system was designed specifically for legends cars by Davis Technologies. Comes complete with user manual and instructions. Makes a big difference in improving handling and lap times! We no longer have a use for this device as we are getting out of racing completely. Price is $2000 Firm

This ad dosn't mention Dwarf cars....but who knows what they were thinking.


This is the shocks ad.....................

The premier rebuilder for the legends series of racing, providing a complete service for all sealed Bilstein shocks. Valving possibilities are endless allowing you to now fine tune your suspension to each track for that "special" edge over the competition. Increase the drivabilitiy of your car while dramatically reducing your lap times. Utilizing the most advanced machine in the industry, Stewart Development is able to re-valve any Bilstein shock with out any external indication of tampering. We can go as mild or wild as you would like.

Please call (336) 472-8772 for more information.
Confidentiality is guaranteed.

The things that "pop" out at me is their use of "special edge" and "Confidentiality is guaranteed"

VMS Motorsports:
That same shock ad is on eBay too...kind of stupid to spend your cash that way if you ask me...but Im just one of the old "dirt  racin' farm boys", do whatcha want to your shocks, motor, tires, whatever... It's still a drivers game on clay!

Tom Cole:
My problem is that I don't have a clue what would make one shock better than the other.  I'm assuming that they control how quickly the shock collapses and how quickly the shock rebounds.  I would guess that this would help with timing of weight transfer???

I guess the way to combat this is to have a shock swap rule, or a shock dyno, or both.

As far as traction control devices.  I wish we could get some pictures on here of them to let people know what to look for.   What are the tell tales?


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