LEGENDS > Engine Care & Tuning

Engine Tuning Guide


j smith racing:

Does anyone know where I can find an engine performance tuning guide. I am kind of in the middle of no where and do all of the engine tuning and maintance myself. I am just about to rebuild my open 1200 and want to know what I can do to help performance and stay within the rule book. I saw the info listed for the carbs on this list and that will be a big help. Thanks to all in advance.


 Besides the basic engine manual, check out some of the other posts. Build tolerences will be a big factor. Getting air & fuel in, and exhaust out, will be a big plus. Pick the other mechanics' brains. Get friendly with your local bike shop mechanics. I'm sure this is stuff you're already doing. Maybe post more specific questions on different parts of the engine that you are building.
 Sorry I don't have more specific answers for you. I'm learning myself. My brother is a motorcycle mechanic; and I would be more than happy to pose questions to him. Let me know if I can help.

Best of Luck To You!

I would also like to find a book or books on tuning and does anyone know how to do the ignition timing, with the red box ignition setup. thanks john

I have mine set at 38 degrees it is just a line on the blue plate that you line up with the split in the cases...

Dave, Northern Ohio Legends 41


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