LEGENDS > Setup and Handling

Tread cutting machine

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Maybe this:

Sorry about the terminology.  I was thinking cutting (shaving) as far as how it sounds like alot of the asphalt racers are camber cutting the tires (shaving).  It looks like siping and grooving are illegal according to the rule book.  I am just wondering how hard it would be to make some sort of gadget to shave the tires without having to spend the money for someone else to do it.  Refreshing tires is pretty easy to do with a belt sander or angle grinder (only taking off a thin layer of the tread to expose the softer rubber for anyone who has not tried it), but was not sure about making something more exact to shave camber into the tire.  I saw a real one (not home built) on E-bay a couple of months ago and it looked like a fairly simple machine.       

Hi John,

 I wasn't sure where you were headed.         SORRY!!!  :-[ :-[ :-[

 I still think that Al has the right idea. You would need some sort of lathe (???;  for lack of a better term) to turn the tire; and shave it down. You would just be cutting on an angle. Speed, cutting tool, angle ... would all be factors you would have to consider.

 Ask, or check with Ol' Dawg. Google a search.  :-\
I think you are right - it would't be that hard to build one; but time vs expense, space, etc...  I don't even have a garage right now. Space is my downfall.

 I don't really know what else to say! If you figure out a way; I'm sure that you will be real busy!!!


I found a site that sells the tire cutting (or as they call them truing) machines.  Sort of interesting, but looks like it would be tough to build something similar. 


I would imagine that with racers involved, someone has tried to build something to do this in their garage.  If anyone comes across something, please make sure to post it on here.  The thread about the car lifts is what got me thinking about what other large, backyard engineered, potentially dangerous gadgets I could try to build myself.  :)


I still don't see why it can't be done. It looks intimidating; but they even make it in a portable model.
I looked into it a bit further - Check with your local tire shops. I should have saved that old thread. Pricewise, it was only like $10.00 per tire (not sure that invoved angle cutting for camber); but would that make a difference??? Maybe a guy could talk the local tire shop into doing it for sponsorship? A little advertising goes a long way.

I've got a couple days off. I'll try to find where I found that thread and post it.
I know that I don't have the room for something like that large. I don't even have a garage! :-[
Maybe someone has a better idea? Doesn't hurt to pose the question!

Keep workin' at it.



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