LEGENDS > Setup and Handling

Tread cutting machine

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Probably another dumb question, but has anyone tried to make a tire tread cutting machine on their own?  I do not think that it would overly difficult to come up with something, but not sure how consistent a home built contraption would be.     

Hi John,

You can buy one from somewhere like Speedway Motors pretty reasonable.  http://www.speedwaymotors.com/p/399,,_Tru-Hot-Grooving-Iron.html?itemNo=tire%20grooving%20iron

I don't have any experience with them, as I've always raced pavement. You'll  want to check the tire rules to see what is legal. I imagine you can trash a lot of tires while your learning about tread design. Check out what others are doing and ask LOTS of questions.

Hope that helps some.


Hey Steve,

I don't think that will work for the Ledgend cars, the tires need to be cut ( shaved ) not grooved..... I think the machine looks something like tire speed balancer.


has anyone tried to make a tire tread cutting machine ?

I assumed by "tire tread cutting machine"  he meant grooving iron. Usually used for dirt track.  ???
If he is talking about shaving the tire; I believe the term is Cutting or Sipeing; Speedway sells a Siper.
I believe Ol'Dawg cuts tires. I'll see if I can locate his site.
I think I remember reading something years back about sipeing tires, but don't recall where. (Maybe "Circle Track")
I've read posts from some of the kart guys "Feathering" their tires with a grinder.

I think you would be right Al, about using some sort of machine to turn the tire. Sort of like turning a piece of wood (or metal) on a lathe.

I'll see what I can find out.


Try this:

And this:

Is this what you need to know John?



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